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How OXOS, A Revolutionary Portable X-Ray Uses Our Presentation Specialists

Logo of oxos, a medical company working with viktor ilijev to develop presentations
About The Client

Revolutionizing Presentation Design for OXOS Medical Inc. with Viktori.co’s Expertise

OXOS Medical Inc., a leading name in the medical technology sector, faced significant challenges in creating impactful and visually compelling presentations crucial for their board, product, and sales narratives.

With an ambitious goal to enhance their presentation quality while saving valuable time, OXOS Medical sought a skilled partner capable of transforming their ideas into clear, engaging, and brand-aligned visuals. They required a service that could not only interpret their written outlines with creative flair but also adhere to stringent branding and design guidelines.

Viktori.co, with its specialized presentation design services, emerged as the ideal solution, offering OXOS Medical the expertise and efficiency needed to elevate their presentation game and focus on growth-critical activities.

Time and Efficiency Savings

By entrusting Viktori.co with their presentation design needs, OXOS Medical Inc. unlocked approximately 20 hours of savings per presentation, allowing their team to reallocate precious time towards strategic business development and growth initiatives. This partnership not only streamlined their design process but also ensured each presentation was crafted to perfection, reflecting the company’s innovative spirit and professionalism.

Expertise in Design and Branding Consistency

Viktori.co’s adeptness in utilizing Google Slides, coupled with a profound understanding of Adobe Suite for asset management, ensured that each presentation was not just visually appealing but also consistent with OXOS Medical’s branding guidelines. Their ability to transform complex outlines into digestible, engaging content through strategic text hierarchy, clean designs, and compelling graphics directly aligned with OXOS Medical’s vision of clear and impactful communication.

Time Optimization

OXOS Medical significantly reduced the time spent on creating presentations, channeling more resources into core business operations and innovation. Viktori.co’s swift turnaround and process efficiency facilitated this shift, enhancing overall productivity.

Cost Savings

By adopting a flat-fee structure for each presentation, OXOS Medical achieved notable cost savings. This transparent pricing model eliminated unexpected expenses, allowing better budget management and financial planning.

Brand Consistency

Viktori.co meticulously adhered to OXOS Medical’s branding guidelines, ensuring a consistent brand voice and image across all presentations. This consistency reinforced OXOS Medical’s professional image and aided in building a stronger brand identity.

Streamlined Process

How It Works

Viktori.co’s innovative approach to presentation design simplifies the entire process from initial request to final delivery, ensuring efficiency and satisfaction for OXOS Medical Inc. By integrating directly into the client’s Slack channels, we facilitate immediate communication and collaboration, making it easier to manage requests, feedback, and revisions. Our structured four-step process guarantees that every presentation not only meets but exceeds expectations, reflecting the client’s objectives and branding with precision and creativity.

Step 1: Initiate Request

  • Direct Communication: Clients can easily initiate a new presentation request by sending a message to Viktori.co’s team directly through Slack. This instant access streamlines the request process, ensuring prompt attention and commencement of the project.
  • Project Briefing: Upon receiving a request, Viktori.co reviews the provided outlines, branding guidelines, and specific requirements to fully understand the project’s scope and objectives, setting the stage for a tailored design strategy.

Step 3: Feedback Cycle

  • Collaborative Revisions: After the initial draft is shared, OXOS Medical can provide feedback directly via Slack, facilitating a dynamic and responsive editing process. This collaborative approach ensures that the presentation evolves in line with the client’s vision and feedback.
  • Refined Edits: Viktori.co incorporates the client’s feedback, making precise edits and adjustments to align with their preferences and objectives. This iterative process continues until the presentation meets the client’s complete satisfaction, ensuring a final product of the highest quality.

Step 2: Design Development

  • Creative Execution: Viktori.co’s skilled designers begin transforming the client’s outlines into visually compelling presentations, employing a strategic mix of text, graphics, and brand-aligned design elements. This phase focuses on crafting a clear and engaging narrative that resonates with the intended audience.
  • Deadline Adherence: Each presentation is developed with a fixed deadline in mind, ensuring timely progress and delivery. This disciplined approach keeps the project on track and guarantees that timelines are respected.

Step 4: Final Delivery

  • Approval and Completion: Once the presentation meets OXOS Medical’s expectations and receives final approval, Viktori.co prepares the presentation for delivery. This step ensures that the final product is polished, professional, and ready for its intended use.
  • Seamless Handoff: The completed presentation is then delivered to OXOS Medical through their preferred method, accompanied by any necessary guidelines or files for presentation use. Viktori.co remains available for any last-minute adjustments or additional support, marking the end of a seamless and successful design journey.
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How quickly can we expect our presentations to be completed?

Our process is designed for efficiency, with draft designs typically provided within two days from the initiation of the request. The total time to complete a presentation depends on the complexity of the project and the number of revisions required, but we always work to meet our clients’ deadlines and can accommodate urgent requests when necessary.

3. What if we require revisions to the presentation?

We welcome feedback and revisions. Our process includes a collaborative feedback cycle, allowing for back-and-forth edits until you are completely satisfied with the final product. Our goal is to ensure that the presentation perfectly aligns with your vision and objectives.

5. How do you ensure the presentations are engaging and not just visually appealing?

Our design philosophy centers on the strategic use of text, graphics, and visual storytelling to not only capture but also retain the audience’s attention. We focus on creating clear, concise, and engaging content that communicates your message effectively, utilizing expert knowledge in text hierarchy and visual design principles.

2. Can you adhere to our specific branding guidelines?

Absolutely. We prioritize maintaining your brand’s integrity and will strictly adhere to your branding guidelines throughout the design process. Our team is skilled in creating presentations that not only look professional but also seamlessly integrate with your company’s existing brand identity.

4. Do you only use Google Slides for presentations, or can you work with other software?

We specialize in designing presentations using all platforms. If you require your presentations to be developed in a different software, we can accommodate this request.

What is the cost of your presentation design services?

We operate with a transparent flat-fee structure per presentation, which allows our clients to budget more effectively without worrying about unexpected costs. The exact fee can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of each presentation. We’re happy to provide a quote once we understand your specific needs.

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