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What I’ll Do

To whom it may concern.


We all have a weekly list that we do or plan to do. Most often, this list is there to help us either:

  • Increase physical health
  • Increase mental health
  • Increase finances
  • Increase the quality of relationships

This is my version of that list, for this and the following weeks in 2021. I update it few times in the month depending on what is achieved.

7 Daily Sins 

7 things to do every day to increase the already huge quantity of happiness, confidence, love, calmness, and positive energy I have within me.

  1. Eat healthy food. 2000 cal+ a day.
  2. Sleep 8h per day.
  3. Workout. Lift, walk 10k steps, kick-box, hike. Stretch to reach a full split.
  4. Focus on 1 thing at a time. No distractions for at least 3 hours at a time.
    1. Ask myself: 
      1. Does this task/idea/strategy/website help towards the main goal?
        1. If no, create a task and leave it in later
      2. Should this be done now?
        1. If no – leave it or:
      3. Can this be done by someone else?
        1. If yes – delegate and automate
    2. Main Focus: Getting new clients and growing the businesses.
  5. Love my partner – talk with her, understand her, date her, have sex with her, maintain our peace of mind.
  6. Write, learn & create – about pitches, strategies, and life. 
  7. Work on my personal issues. 

Questions That Guide Me Daily

Sometimes we all need guidance. We might be lost, or just too deep into our own thoughts our own work, struggles that we’re not able to really see where we are going.

The second best type of guidance comes from mentors.

The best kind of guidance comes from within our selves. The one you can give to yourself.

This type of guidance requires mastery of one self (I still don’t have that but working on it)

One thing that helps me guide myself is asking a set of critical questions. I ask myself these questions every day before the day starts. Sometimes I write about them depending on how I feel at that particular moment.

Why questions? Questions give clarity and focus your attention towards finding an answer. The following set of questions are very simple neutral and help me get back to myself.

  1. Are the current actions I take, good for me and the closest people, and does it help me achieve my goals?
  2. Do I see the current situation from a birds-eye perspective?
  3. How well do I know the people around me?
  4. Who am I? How well do I know myself, and how well am I myself?
  5. How to be a better communicator and strategist?
  6. How to be a better man for myself, my partner, and my environment?

If you know the answers to these questions, and you rewrite them daily, you are your own best navigator.

Tools that I’m exploring:

Coda – I dreamt about this PM tool few years back and somehow the universe responded to my wishes. Simple, easy to use and way more flexible than Asana. It’s like Asana and Notion had a baby.

Webflow – Goodbye WordPress. I mean, Webflow just simplified website design, and made website developers obsolete. Imagine you’re a website developer and you got tasked to build the initial Webflow – it’s like you’re creating your own doom.

Articles that landed in my inbox: 

  1. https://marketingexamples.com/  – not really an article but an enormous set of useful bits for any marketeer. I’m still amazed at how this guy got the domain name. Kudos.
  2. Went from 4,000 to 140,000 YouTube subscribers in one year
  3. 10 things I wish I knew when I started bootstrapping – (A developer’s view)
  4. Wise (former TransferWise) and their SEO Strategy
  5. Start a Blog – No Budget No Experience

Book I’m reading

Make by Pieter Levels – This guy is a legend. If you ever want to find out how to bootstrap your way into financial freedom, read his book and everything that you’ll encounter from him.



P.S. Avoiding perfectionism is a skill you have to develop. You need to learn to be fine with everything being not fine. Not everything will be perfect and high quality. – P.L.

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